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Survey on Knowledge Exchange in the Sanitation Sector

The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance invites you to be a change-maker in the sanitation sector. Five minutes of your time and expertise will help us improve the sanitation sector’s ability to deliver on the goal of “water and sanitation for all."

We want to know more about your needs for access to information and your ideas about how to improve collaboration and information exchange. Go to to register as a member and join the Alliance.

  • You can skip questions you don’t want to answer.
  • You can change the language of the survey using the bar at the top of the page
  • If you don’t have good internet access, click here to take the Survey Offline
  • If you have questions or need assistance, email SuSanA at:

This survey is part of a larger SuSanA project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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  Where in Asia is most of your sanitation work?
  In which region(s) of Sub-Saharan Africa do you primarily work?

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5.   Rank the methods for how you prefer to learn about sanitation.
Rank only the items that apply.
Drag items from the left-hand list into the right-hand list to order them.

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Information tools
6.   If you are searching for information about sanitation topics, where do you tend to go?
Rank only the items that apply.
Drag items from the left-hand list into the right-hand list to order them.

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Information barriers

  How much do each of the following PREVENT you from finding sanitation information that you need?

7.   How much do each of the following PREVENT you from finding sanitation information that you need?Not at allTo some extentTo a great extent
I do not have enough time to look
Poor internet connection
Information is not available in my language
I don't know where to look
There is too much information to sort through
Cost of accessing materials

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Information gaps
8.   On which topics have you had difficulties finding sanitation information? Please check all that apply.

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Finding information online
9.   What is important to you when you are looking for sanitation information on a website? Please rank the following.
Rank only the items that apply.
Drag items from the left-hand list into the right-hand list to order them.

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10.   How do you keep up-to-date with current news and activities within the sanitation sector? Please rank the following.
Rank only the items that apply
Drag items from the left-hand list into the right-hand list to order them.

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Social Media
11.   Which of the following social media do you use to stay up-to-date with the sanitation sector? (check all that apply)

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12.   How do you prefer to connect or network with other sanitation professionals? Please rank the following.
Rank only the items that apply.
Drag items from the left-hand list into the right-hand list to order them.

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Knowledge Sharing
13.   What is your FIRST CHOICE for sharing your own sanitation knowledge with others in the sector?

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Online knowledge sharing
14.   When sharing information online, what is your preferred format?
  What types of information would you be willing to share online?
  You indicated that you do not want to share your knowledge online. What are your main reasons for not sharing on online platforms?

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Online exchange
15.   How important to you are the following factors when you are engaging online, such as in a discussion forum? Please rank the following.
Rank only the items that apply.
Drag items from the left-hand list into the right-hand list to order them.

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16.   Which networks/platforms do you use to find information, share knowledge, learn, or connect to the sector? Please check all that apply. 

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17.   Have you engaged in any of the following activities through SuSanA?
Please check all that apply.

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Final thoughts

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Thank You!
Thank you for taking our survey. Your response is very important to us.

The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) is an open international alliance with members who share a common vision on sustainable sanitation and are dedicated to understanding viable and sustainable sanitation solutions. It links on the ground experiences with an engaged community made up of practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and academics from different levels with the aim of promoting innovation and best practices in policy, programming and implementation.
If you would like to discover SuSanA:
If you would like to check out the SuSanA forum:

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